Well I guess its about time I try this whole blogging thing. If you know anything about me, writing is not my forte but you gotta start somewhere. So don't take any grammatical errors or misspellings like its the end of the world. Anyway about what we did today; this morning we woke up knowing that we had to make the journey from Miraflores to somewhere near the Lima airport. We knew this was going to be a journey because Sarah and I both remembered the area around Lima was VERY busy with cars whipping around (even close to midnight), graffiti, small colorful row homes, billboards, and small business everywhere. Since we both thought we were going to hear a knock on our hostel door to kick us out we gathered our scattered room while Sarah found a cheap hotel 10 minutes away from the airport in an area named San Miguel.
San Miguel |
We checked out of our hostel and walked down the street for some breakfast and arranged a taxi to take us to our new hotel. As we got closer to San Miguel we realized that the area was going to be exactly what we saw when we landed in Lima. This was pretty evident when we pulled off the highway and our friendly taxi driver rolled up his window and signaled us to do the same. Rolling down side streets we finally pulled into a small square and there was "Machu Picchu," our hotel. Every home and business has gates and cameras as if every night the apocalypse is coming which made us "gringos" feel like we may not be very welcome. But after checking in and talking to the nice lady at the front desk we had a better feeling about venturing out.
Entrance to Parque de las Leyendas |
We decided to go check out the local zoo a couple blocks away called Parque de las Leyendas. This was not the ordinary American zoo you may be picturing. This was more of a local third-world-animal-housing center, equipped with litter and carvings like "Edwin + Suzana 4 Ever" around the exhibits. Some of the animals looked unattended to and people fed the animals without getting bombarded by zoo staff. Either way we got to see some cool animals including different kinds of large cats, monkeys, tapir, hippos, giraffe, bears, seal, ect. After we left the zoo it was getting dark so we decided to grab a delicious rotisserie chicken meal at a local eating establishment and got back to our hotel. We have a 3:30 wake up for our journey to Cusco tomorrow so we are being lame tonight. But we are looking forward to the flight out of Lima to see what the city looks like from the air and to meet our IFRE coordinator and host family tomorrow. We are both very excited and hope that we have smooth travels again. Wish us luck and write to you next time from Cusco.
A little girl put a snail on the glass of these monkeys exhibit and were very intrigued |

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